Archery Squad Success at the BUCS Southern Qualifiers 2020

Written for: Archery Club


On Saturday 22nd February, The University of Plymouth Archery Club travelled 120 miles to the Coombe Dingle Sports Complex in Bristol to compete in the BUCS Southern Qualifiers 2020, coming away with seven of their member proceeding to the Finals in Warwick so far!

A huge congratulations to our 2020 BUCS team for their fantastic performance on Saturday. 

Also well done to Dave Hendy for winning the silver medal for novice male compound, to Joe Tripp for seeding 2nd in male experienced recurve, to Lonja Selter for seeding 1st in male experienced barebow, to Eloise Hepburn for seeding 3rd in female experienced barebow, and to Emma King for seeding 1st in female experienced longbow.

All this success after the week before winning even more trophies at the Archers of the West Valentines Vegas and Worcester competition!

On the following day at the County championships, Alex won gold, Joe won bronze, Lönja won gold, and Emma won silver! So it was a very successful weekend for the club.

"It was great to see so many of our archers, especially novices, keen to attend this competition. Everyone did very well at keeping it together at a stressful event, and we came out with some fantastic scores. I’m very proud of our BUCS squad"

Emma King, President


Find out more about the Plymouth University Archery Club on their club page here and through social media. Facebook // Instagram // Twitter

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