- Are you keen to improve the student experience?
- Are you confident with collecting feedback and passing information on?
- Do you want to build your transferable skills?
- Are you a registered UoP student for the entirety of the 25/26 academic year?
You may want to apply to be a (paid) School Rep!
What is a School Rep?
A School Rep is a part-time student representative who plays a vital role in ensuring that the voices of students at the University of Plymouth are heard - they are at the centre of the academic representation system within each school. There are 12 School Representatives in total (one per School).
School Reps support the Course Reps and assist in progressing feedback from programme to school level. They meet with their Faculty President to progress any feedback from students to the Faculty or University through the appropriate channels, and are the representative link between Course Reps in your School, the University and UPSU.
They are expected to proactively engage with the student body and collate any feedback relating to the academic experience of students. You will then present student feedback at relevant university and union meetings in a constructive and professional way.
The School Rep role is a paid role, (Basic hourly rate) for a maximum of 12 hours per month.
Minimum expectations of the role:
- Proactively communicate with Course Reps to collect School-wide feedback.
- Attend and contribute to School Teaching and Learning Quality Committees and other relevant meetings such as the Faculty Teaching and Learning Quality Committee.
- Build relationships with Heads of Schools and other relevant staff.
- Have regular meetings with the relevant Associate Head of School to progress ideas and issues.
- Feedback the progress on issues to the wider student body, mainly through the use of Course Reps.
- Liaise with the relevant UPSU Student Voice Co-ordinator for your School on a regular basis.
- Complete School Rep training.
- Complete at least one School Rep report per semester.
- Attend Course Rep drop-ins and progress any feedback if required.
How much commitment does the role involve?
This position requires a maximum commitment of 12 hours per month.
Key meetings will include but are not limited to higher level university meetings such as:
School Teaching and Learning Quality Committees
Faculty Teaching and Learning Quality Committees
Student Staff Liaison Committee (SSLC) Programme Committees.
Once you have attended these meetings you will need to communicate important information and outcomes back to the student body in your School.
How do I become a School Rep?
The School Rep process involves filling out a short application form which has a few questions to answer (when the application cycle opens). If you have been succesful with your application and have been shortlisted, you will be invited to interview and will then be informed on the outcome of your interview at a later date.
If you are interested in the role, you can complete the application form here. Applications close on Friday 4th April.
Interviews are likely to take place in May.
To find out more about the role, view the School Rep Role descriptor here.
If you have any questions, you can contact us at: studentvoice@su.plymouth.ac.uk