Plymouth student, Viv Hocking, recognised as a Dedicated Volunteer



Congratulations to Viv Hocking who has been recognised as a Dedicated Volunteer for 100+ volunteering hours!

Volunteering has been an important part of Viv’s university journey. This year he has been the School Rep for Engineering, Computing and Mathematics, a member of UPSU’s Accountability Board, Vice-Chair of the Societies Forum and Health & Safety Officer for the Debate Society among other roles. He is proud to have represented fellow students and successfully lobbied for change within UPSU and at course and school level.  



“My volunteering journey started as a course representative just over four years ago, working to represent the students on my degree programme and working with my School to ensure my peers had the best possible experience whilst at University. I’ve had the opportunity to work across various departments of the University and UPSU as well as with other organisations in the city. Over the past four years, I’ve gained valuable insight into the higher-education sector but more importantly, my volunteering experience has helped to strengthen my passion for student wellbeing and diversity.


I’m delighted to have been recognised for my contributions to our community at Plymouth and if there’s one thing I’d like to come out of my recognition - it would be for other students to find out more about the many ways they can become involved in the community both at and”


- Viv Hocking, UPSU Dedicated Volunteer



Volunteering has taken him outside of his comfort zone, increasing his inter-personal and communication skills, and has built his confidence in a variety of ways. This has led to other opportunities opening up for him whilst at university and helped him reflect and review potential future career paths. 

Thank you Viv for your contribution to UPSU through your volunteering. 


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