Don't Rush Your Vote! Here's Why...



This year's student elections are looking very different from previous years, we’ve got a plan to give you a chance to get to know your candidates virtually while the government restrictions are in place.

We have a week full of virtual events run by UPSU and the candidates themselves, so take your time, but make sure you vote before the polls close at midday Friday 5th March!



You don't need to vote for all the roles in one go! 


Through the voting week, we will be dedicating each day to one of the roles in your student elections, starting with the VP Activities role on Monday 1st March! 

This way, you have a chance to learn everything you need to know to choose who you want to represent you in each role and submit you vote by the end of the day. Then we will move on to the next role the next day and so on... Until voting closes midday Friday 5th March



Daily Timetable:


Monday 1st March - VP Activities

Tuesday 2nd March - President

Wednesday 3rd March - VP Education

Thursday 4th March - VP Wellbeing & Diversity

Friday 5th March - Accountability Board By-Elections / Polls closing at midday



Upcoming Events:


Candidate Question Time: VP Activities

Monday 1st March - 6pm


Submit your questions now!


Candidate Question Time: SU President

Tuesday 2nd March - 6pm


Submit your questions now!


Candidate Question Time: VP Education

Wednesday 3rd March - 6pm


Submit your questions now!


Candidate Question Time: VP Wellbeing & Diversity

Thursday 4th March - 6pm


Submit your questions now!


Get entered in our prize draw automatically!VOTE HERE
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