Everything you need to know about voting in the General Election on Thursday


On Thursday 12th December the UK is heading to the polls to vote in the General Election 2019.  

As long as you’re eligible and registered to vote, make sure that you make your voice heard by voting for who you want to represent you on Thursday.



Who can vote? 

To vote in a general election you must: 

  • be registered to vote 
  • ?be 18 or over on the day of the election (‘polling day’) 
  • be a British, Irish or qualifying Commonwealth citizen 
  • be resident at an address in the UK (or a British citizen living abroad who has been registered to vote in the UK in the last 15 years) 
  • not be legally excluded from voting 


When can I vote? 

Polling stations are open from 7am – 10pm on polling day, Thursday 12th December 2019. 



Where do I vote? 

You should have received a polling card in the post, this will tell you which polling station to go to. It’s important to remember that you have to go to the polling station for the address you’re registered to vote at, you can’t go to one nearer to Uni or any on your way home. 

If you’ve lost your polling card and you’re not sure where your polling station is you can check here. If you didn’t receive a polling card you should contact your local Electoral Registration Office. (You don’t need to have your polling card to vote but if you haven’t been issued one it’s worth checking that you are registered.) 

Find the way to your polling station with this handy map.



I’m registered to vote at two addresses, my term-time and non-term time addresses – which one do I go to? 

Up to you. The important thing is that in a national election, such as a General Election, you can only vote at one of the addresses you’re registered at. It is an illegal offence to vote twice but which constituency you choose to vote in is your choice. 



Do I need to take anything with me? 

Just yourself. Anyone living in England, Wales or Scotland does not need to bring identification to vote and you do not have to take your polling card with you. 



What do I do when I get there? 

  • When you arrive at the polling station give your name to the poll clerk behind the desk. If you have your polling card with you showing them this can help speed up the process. 
  • You’ll then be given a ballot paper and directed to a polling booth. 
  • Inside the booth there will be instructions on how to ensure you’re filling in your ballot correctly. If you make a mistake, don't worry – as long as you haven't already put it in the ballot box, just let the polling station staff know and they can give you a replacement ballot paper. 
  • Once you're done, put your completed ballot paper in the ballot box. 



Who should I vote for? 

No one can decide that apart from you. Make sure you look at what each party is offering you and who your local candidates are. You can find the candidates standing in your constituency here. 



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