Extenuating Circumstances: what are they and how can you apply?

Written by: SU Advice https://www.upsu.com/advice/

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Sometimes things happen in life that are well beyond our control. As a student there can be extra pressure when you are trying to juggle your studies alongside the things that life chucks at us.

In order to try and minimise the impact on your studies, you can make a claim for Extenuating Circumstances. The University can make allowances for circumstances that are unforeseeable and unpreventable but first you need to make sure you inform your personal tutor or faculty staff so they understand what you are going through. You can also get in touch with us, the SU Advice team, and we can offer you guidance.

Health problems, significant life events, unexpected disruption or events and assessment issues are areas where reasons could be approved. You can find more details of what could fall under these areas in the University Extenuating Circumstances Policy here.

Areas that might not be approved are issues around your time management, life events such as birthdays and holidays or even computer problems.



So, how do you apply?

The form is online and can be accessed via the student portal. 

If the issue relates to a short-term issue affecting you for up to five working days and you are unable to provide supporting evidence there is the opportunity to submit one self-certified extenuating circumstances claim per academic year without the need for documented evidence. You should clearly explain in your claim form what the issue is and how it is affecting your ability to attend or complete assessment(s) during this 5 working day period.

Self-certification would apply only to deadlines occurring during this 5 working day period.

Subsequent applications for extenuating circumstances must be supported by valid evidence, which we can talk to you more about.

If your claim is approved, coursework deadlines may be extended by a maximum of five University working days from the original submission date. If your claim related to time specific assessments such as in-class tests, exams, performances or presentations and was approved, it would be for non-submission.

There are some circumstances where you can apply for Extenuating Circumstances after the deadline, but you will need to detail and evidence why you could not submit them in time.

If you find yourself in a situation where you need help with this, come and talk to the us (the SU Advice team) and we can give you the guidance you need to help navigate you through whatever tricky time you are going through.



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