Your SU has put together a range of discounted offers and new deals for Green Week. Deals will run from Saturday 25th - Friday 31st March.

SU Shop
Find us right in the heart of campus on the SU roof
- Oh so Plant.... Flapjacks, Brownies and Cookies (usually £1.25) Green Week price: £1.00
- Mallow and Marsh (no palm oil) (usually £1.85) Green Week price: £1.60
- Love:Raw (Vegan/No palm/plant based) (usually £1.65) Green Week price: £1.50
- Eat Natual Simply Vegan (usually £1.10) Green Week price: £1.00
- Mrs Crimbles Vegan Coconut macaroon (usually £2.20) Green Week price: £2.00
- Eat real (vegan) (usually £2.20) Green Week price: £2.00
- Eco stationery (all lines on our eco stationery bay) Green Week offer save 20% off the retail price!

Coffee Spot
Find us inside the SU for delicious locally-sourced Devon Coffee Company coffee
Due to student feedback, the Coffee Spot are pleased to announce that the additional charge for alternative milk will be waived during Green Week.

SU Food/Tortilla Street
Tasty food served inside the SU with student specials every day of the week
Green Week Special: Cauliflower & Potato Curry - £6.00 (vegetarian) (vegan option)