The happiest of New Years to each and every University of Plymouth student!
We are so excited to share with you everything you have to look forward to in 2023 with UPSU... and there is A LOT.
From a rum and reggae festival to bingo lingo, karaoke to the biggest student event in the UPSU calendar... the Summer Ball! There is so much to get involved in this year and we look forward to seeing you enjoying everything we have to offer!
Karaoke Wednesdays, Thursday Jam House, Friday Hullabaloo,The Big Sunday Quiz and Sunday Film Night's will continue to run in 2023.
Here is an overview of some of the events coming up each month of 2023, so you don't miss out!
Rum and Reggae Festival: 27th January 2pm - 8pm
Bingo Lingo: 29th January 6pm - 10pm
Refreshers: week commencing January 30th
Refreshers Fair: 31st January
Silent Disco: 31st January 9pm - 12am
6 Nations: 4th February 2pm - 7pm
6 Nations: 11th February 2pm - 7pm
UPSU Beer Festival: 17th February 2pm - 9pm
6 Nations: 25th February 2pm - 7pm
St Patricks Day/Festival: 17th March 2pm - 8pm
6 Nations: 18th March 2pm - 7pm
Cider and Pasty Festival: 28th April 2pm - 8pm
SU Awards: 15th May
Summer Ball: 3rd June

Image: Summer Ball 2022.