Have a Holy Night with Gospel Choir's virtual Christmas carol


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The University of Plymouth Gospel Choir has been in existence since 2017 and has been going strong. We are a group of people who love to sing, play instruments and enjoy Gospel music.

This year has been challenging with the repercussions of COVID-19 preventing us from meeting and singing together, as usual, however, we have managed to stay in touch and have virtual rehearsals on zoom. As a result of our rehearsals, this Christmas we have released a cover of the song Oh Holy Night as a Virtual choir video.



Our hope is that this video spreads Christmas cheer and lifts the spirits of others around us to show that although we are distanced, we can still come together in unity to support each other. The Gospel choir is currently preparing to sing at a restaurant on Christmas Eve and we are welcoming all interested persons who are staying in Plymouth, to join us for this event.


Below are some testimonials from our members:


As a fresher, being part of the gospel choir this semester has been exciting. I joined the choir pretty late into the term, but I quickly found my place. I received a warm welcome, and a short survey helped me identify what I could bring to the group. I was thrilled to know we had a gig coming up, and the efforts of our society lead and the choir were phenomenal. I had an awesome time throughout the process and I look forward to more.


- Felix Agyekum


The gospel choir is such a lovely choir where everyone who is a part of the choir is so lovely and kind. So far, we have done one song “O Holy Night” which was made especially for the Christmas season and to lighten everyone up despite of everything that is going on. With COVID-19, it is quite difficult to really meet up however that hasn’t stopped us as on Fridays we have a meeting via zoom where we meet up and do vocal exercises to warm up our voices before we go ahead and sing along with our leader Ivanna to the songs we have to do. I do enjoy being a part of the gospel choir as I already feel comfortable and free within the choir to really express and be myself.


- Ketsia Sita Kitoko


I am in my third year and I have been a part of the choir since my first year. Being in the choir has done so much for me, from providing me with a community of like-minded friends, building my confidence in singing and even giving me opportunities to develop my leadership skills. The choir is welcoming to persons of all abilities and everyone involved is friendly. So if anyone wants to try something new, I would recommend the Gospel choir.


- Ivanna Odle


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