Help make a difference, become a Student Trustee


We are looking for enthusiastic, reliable and approachable students (2) to fill our Student Trustee positions in 2020/21 and sit on the UPSU Trustee Board


If you have an interest in benefitting Plymouth students and learning more about how the Students' Union and Charities are run, then this role is perfect for you. You'll develop invaluable skills to increase your employability whilst ensuring students are properly heard and represented. The role is voluntary and open to all students. 


What is the UPSU Trustee Board?

The Board of Trustees is the group of people with ultimate responsibility for everything that the Students' Union does. It is responsible for the governance and financial and strategic management of the Students' Union.


What is a Student Trustee? 

Student Trustees sit on the Trustee Board for UPSU and have the same rights and responsibilities as the other members of the Trustee Board (including full-time officers). Student Trustees are not involved in the day to day running of the Students' Union, but take an overview of how the Union is performing, both financially and in delivering services to students.



  • The role will help to ensure the University of Plymouth Students’ Union is well governed and managed; achieving its aims and objectives in accordance with its vision, mission and values; and to provide strategic leadership for the organisation.
  • Student Trustees have a particular responsibility to ensure the decisions and direction of the Students’ Union is in accordance with its members’ wishes and to ensure effective communication between the Students’ Union and its members.
  • This is a unique opportunity for a student to contribute to UPSU and get some amazing experience for their CV. You will work alongside the Sabbatical Officers, Trustees and our Senior Management Team, giving your views on how UPSU can enhance the student experience. You will learn about business, HR, finance and charity law, whilst making a valuable contribution to the lives of your fellow students.


We are seeking applications from candidates who:


  • Are a fully registered University of Plymouth student
  • Have a good understanding of issues affecting undergraduate, postgraduate, international, mature or part-time students in the UK and studying at the University of Plymouth
  • Have a passion for the Students’ Union and for supporting our vision to transform lives through experience. 



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