How do you solve an issue that you have with a housemate?

Written by: SU Advice

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Living with people isn’t always easy and complications can arise. Sometimes you may just want some peace but find it hard to get it, one of your housemates keeps using your cutlery but doesn’t ask or even wash it after using it, or someone is having their partner or friends over a bit too much.

These are all issues that can occur and as an SU Advice Team we have seen a whole host of issues that arise between housemates. So how do you solve an issue that you have with a housemate?

Talking to them seems an obvious thing to say but that is the perfect place to start. Something that irritates you and might seem like clear in its wrongdoing to you, may not have even come up on their radar. Having these discussions at the right time is important and can go a long way to getting some kind of resolution. Not having it when you feel like you are about to explode with rage, for example, is probably a very good idea.

If you have spoken to your housemate and the issue continues, you could consider speaking to your landlord/letting agent. They will normally only get involved if something is specifically going against the tenancy agreement has been signed.

Bills are another area that can cause issues. Sitting down with your housemates and coming to an agreement of how that will work early on, is a good way to go. You need to approach with caution if you are nominating yourself to be the one responsible for a bill and your housemates transfer money to you prior to the payment being taken out of your bank. If your name is the name on the bill, it will be you that the utility provider will be asking to pay the whole amount.

If something far more serious is afoot and you feel that you are in immediate danger, then you should call the police on 999.

The University of Plymouth also has a Speak Up resource, which is a tool for students who wish to report abuse, harm, and hate. The following can be reported through this resource:

  • bullying or harassment
  • hate incidents
  • relationship or domestic abuse
  • sexual assault
  • sexual harassment
  • violence or harm

This tool can be used with your name, or anonymously if you prefer. However, please be aware that what can be done following you raising an issue can vary based on whether you give your details or not. You can find more information about the Speak Up tool here.

We hope you don’t need to use any of these tips but there are avenues to go down if you do find you are having problems with those you live with. 


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