It’s okay if you’re not feeling merry over the winter break...

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It’s okay if you’re not feeling merry over the winter break. Student Space run by Student Minds' is here to support you over the holidays.

Despite the winter break being associated with fun and joy, it can also be a difficult time for many of us, including students. The darker evenings, colder weather, university work, social events and pressure to be jolly can feel really hard for some.  Student Minds have put together a list of resouces and information to help students navigate these difficulties, and make the winter break less challenging, whatever their plans or circumstances. Check out the following links by Student Minds' to find support that is relevant to you:  


Students have also discussed their experiences dealing with the winter break on the Student Minds Blog. Check out the following articles:



What is Student Space?

Student Space is here to make it easier for students to find the support that they need. Whether it’s their mental health, studies or relationships. They exist to support students 24/7 through the uncertainty of their university journey.

The platform support students in three key ways:

  • Providing access to dedicated support services
  • Sharing Information, tools and student stories on navigating university life
  • Helping students find what support is available at their university


Connect with Student Minds' on social media: 



Visit their website:



Please keep in mind that Student Minds' winter closure is from the 16th of December to the 3rd of January, and they will not be able to respond to messages during that time period.

Please be aware that our SU Advice teams last working day before the winter break will be Thursday 21st December 2023. They will be closing at midday on 23rd December and will not be returning until Monday 8th January 2024. If you you need to make any appeals for coursework or exams, please submit these before midday on the 20th December.

Here are support services which are open over the break and can help students in need:



Other links you may find helpful:




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