LGBT+ History Month: A statement from Robert Nutkins

Written by: Robert Nutkins, Part-Time LGBT+ Officer


LGBT+ History month exists to create a safe and enjoyable space for everyone to learn from and share in the experiences and vibrancy of the LGBT+ community. The supreme virtue of LGBT+ people is the celebration of diversity, individuality, creativity and freedom. The freedom to love others and love yourself is an inalienable right of every person – that is the basis of the LGBT+ existence.  

While this is a message of positivity and liberty, we must remember the purpose of this month is to share in the wonderous, but also the often-scarring experiences and history of LGBT+ people and remind ourselves that the community has always been and still is under attack. In 2023, a man choosing to wear a skirt can be a case of life and death, and people are made homeless by their parents for loving someone of the same sex. LGBT+ History month is a testimony of the defiance in the face of animosity; the battles, and how they have gone on for far too long; but most of all the survival of the community and our message: 

Love comes first.



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