LGBT+ History Month at your Students' Union


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LGBT+ History Month is an annual celebration that provides education and insight into the issues faced by the LGBT+ community and works to combat prejudice against them. 

It has taken place each February since 2005 in the UK and observes lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender history, and the history of the gay rights and related civil rights movements

There are many ways you can honour and/or celebrate LGBT+ History Month, whether you are LGBT+ yourself or not. During this month there are often many events based on LGBT+ history in the UK or around the world, the lives of key LGBT+ activists, and the current frontiers of LGBT+ activism. These events are often in the form of talks, documentary and film screenings, workshops and discussion groups. 



   When I think of LGBT+ History Month, I think about the celebration of how far we as a community have conquered in getting our voices heard and having the right to live our lives in this world. It isn't just a celebration but a reminder that we still have battles to fight in order to keep surviving. It would be 52 years in June when the Stonewall riots occurred, a protest against the prejudice our elders had to fight and demonstrate that we are not going anywhere. During this month, I ask you to take a moment to briefly educate yourself, LGBT+ or not, to understand our struggles then and now and how you can make a difference. Whilst we all face the struggle of this pandemic, doing something little can make a great impact such as online donations to charities or just to be kind to one another. Everyone can make a difference in their own way. Be proud.  

Samuel Pritchard, LGBT+ Officer



The LGBT+ Society and the Inclusion and Diversity team will run a program of virtual activities this LGBT+ History Month, connected to this year's national theme, Mind, Body, and Soul. LGBT+ History Month is a fantastic opportunity to show Allyship, celebrate the progress and actively participate in making our university more inclusive for everyone! 

Join the Student Union and the University in this celebration! 

For more information, visit the University of Plymouth's page.


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