Meet Fawziyyah, VP Wellbeing & Diversity 2020 - 2021

Written by: UPSU

Fawziyyah's acceptance speech at the Election Results Night 2020

Fawziyyah is your VP Wellbeing and Diversity for the 2020 - 2021 academic year. In her role she is responsible for: Liberation (LGBT+, Disability, BAME, Women, & Non-Binary) Health & Wellbeing, Equality & Diversity, Student Support Services, International Students, Mature Students, Sustainability and Partner Colleges. 


Hey everyone, My name is Fawziyyah but most people call me Fawzy. I’m Nigerian and the eldest of 7 siblings and I lived most of my life in Nigeria with my family until I moved to the UK to further my education, which at the time was quite daunting. I have loved every bit of my journey here because it has challenged me and made me grow in so many ways.  

Coming to study at Plymouth has been an amazing journey for me, I met some amazing people and I got to study an amazing course. I joined several societies where I felt at home and joined the basketball club. Basketball is something I love playing and being part of a team made me even love it more. 

As Vice president Wellbeing and Diversity, My role is to ensure that students are represented on matters relating to mental health, physical health, equality and diversity. I also have the responsibility of representing students on issues relating to liberation group. I have so many ideas and I cannot wait to begin this amazing journey.  



What made you choose to study at the University of Plymouth? 

My A-level college was in a remote village in North Wales, so I wanted to move to a new city for University. Plymouth ticked all the boxes for me, It gave me the opportunity to study two subjects that I love so much (Economics and Law), It also gave me a modern city vibe which I was craving and the amazing scenery was a bonus for me.  



What did you study? 

BSc Economics with law, MSc International Business 



What made you want to become a Sabbatical Officer? 

Since my first year, I have always tried to get involved and be a part of the student's union in the areas of sports and societies, I was also a Part-time officer for Faith and Belief. Doing all of this made me realize how much I enjoy being part of the student movement, championing and leading the voice of the students I represent. Asides representing the students, I feel like this position is a life changing experience no one should turn down, as it gives valuable experience that cannot be gotten elsewhere. 



If you could go back to your first day of Uni, what one piece of advice would you give yourself? 

Be more confident and speak up. When I first came to Plymouth, I was a very shy and timid person. I could barely keep a conversation with my flat mates which slightly affected my first few weeks at Plymouth. At the time, I felt like I was the only one in that position, but then I realized it wasn’t just me, there were a few other students that felt the same way 



What’s your favourite memory of your whole time at the University of Plymouth? 

I have had many amazing memories from my time at the University. I’ll say my favourite was when I won the election to be the Vice president Wellbeing and Diversity. I still feel the surreal emotions I felt the night the results were announced. The amazing opportunity to be the voice of students was like a dream come true.



What would you like to achieve on behalf of students this year to make their lives better? 

First and foremost, I would like to represent the students in the best possible way and the way forward would be to try and achieve all my manifesto points.I would like to champion the student voice on different matters concerning mental health, physical health, equality and diversity. Making sure most students are knowledgeable on the topic of mental health. I intend to lobby the University to make sure they have adequate services and staffs required by students, 



What's a song that sums up you or your time at Uni and why?


Hall of Fame by The Script feat. Will I Am 


This song speaks to me on so many levels. It is an inspirational song that shows that whatever you set your mind to achieve, with hard work, commitment and belief you can get it done. Don’t let anything stop you from dreaming big, no matter what situation you find yourself in. 



What did you want to be when you were growing up? 

Growing up I always wanted to be a doctor, but that was due to the influence of people around me, Everyone in my grade school wanted to be a doctor.  



Where would you most like to be right now? 

In Nigeria, with the warm weather, home cooked meals and with my family  



What’s your most annoying habit? 

I think procrastination is a habit I dislike. It is really important to get things done on time to avoid rushing, something I am very guilty of unfortunately.  



If you could go back in time to any point in history, where would you go? 

Before the internet came about, as I feel there wasn’t any pressure at that time. 



If you could have any superpower which would you choose? 

Flying would be my super power, as the air is peaceful and you can go anywhere in the world and eat lots of exotic food from different parts of the world  



Tell us your best joke 

Are you sure no, I’m Nivea hahahaha 



Quick fire 


Sweet or savoury - Sweet 

Cats or dogs - Cats 

Call or message - Call 

Quiet night in or night out - Quiet night 

Tea or coffee - Tea 

Night owl or early bird - Night Owl 

Summer or Winter - Summer 

Eat out or takeaway - Eat out  

TV show or movie - TV show 

Ideal holiday: city break or middle of nowhere - City break  


Read about what Fawziyyah pledges to do for you Fawziyyah's Manifesto


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