Meet new people, get involved with the UPSU Buddy Scheme


The UPSU Buddy Scheme is back!

Whether you’re in your first year at the University of Plymouth, you’ve previously studied at a partner college, you want to meet new people or you’re just looking for support from someone from your peer group – the UPSU Buddy Scheme is for you. 

Launched in 2020 to help students build connections and meet new people throughout lockdown, the UPSU Buddy Scheme is made up entirely of students. Students can volunteer to become Buddies and students looking for support can sign up to become Participants.

The purpose of the UPSU Buddy Scheme is to:  

  • Support students transitioning to University combat loneliness 
  • Provide a source of peer support to those who require it 
  • Support wellbeing in the student community  

If you’re interested in joining the scheme then check out the links below to sign up as either a Buddy or a Participant. We’ll then match the Buddies with Participants to provide peer to peer support. 


Sign up as a Buddy

“[The] Buddy Scheme is an amazing opportunity to meet new people and get out of your comfort zone. Boosts your communication confidence and you get great support from your buddy as the scheme tries to select a buddy for you that would have most in common with you which means you may not only find a great friend but also get support with your studies or current hobby. You will never feel alone and scared if you are new to town and University.'' - Erika Zukova


If you're a current student at the University of Plymouth and you feel that you could offer support to other students then this is your opportunity to make a real difference to the lives of others. We welcome applications from across the University student community, no previous experience required.

We'll support you throughout your time as a Volunteer Buddy and you will receive training to ensure you understand the role, confidentiality, data protection, signposting and personal safety. If you have any questions or you just want to find out more about the role, check out the links and questions below or get in touch with us at


Sign up as a Buddy here



Sign up as a Participant

“I haven't regretted a minute that I've joined this scheme! Firstly due to the amazing friendship that I've acquired and secondly due to the benefits of having a buddy in town with whom we could both work on projects and ideas and have fun! I definitely recommend joining this scheme and I would urge students to use this opportunity to connect with those you would not have reached otherwise. Whether you are shy or an outgoing person, this scheme benefits both your soft skills and hard skills (if you're on the same degree as your buddy). Don't hesitate anymore and take this chance to make new friends!” - Jose Ferreira


Settling into University can be daunting at the best of times but in the current climate, coming out of lockdown and moving towards a sense of normality, we know that many of us have found this harder than usual. Things like knowing where you can meet new people or how you can get advice from returning students who've done it all are things we’ve previously taken for granted, but the most important thing to remember is that you are not alone.

If you’re looking for someone to meet for a coffee, to try a new sporting or cultural activity with or just to have a chat with (in person or virtually), then sign up as a participant in the UPSU Buddy Scheme. 
The Buddy Scheme is designed to be very informal – it’s just a chance to meet someone new, boost your wellbeing and combat loneliness through the support offered by a student just like you. 


Sign up as a Participant here


If you’ve got any questions about the UPSU Buddy Scheme – either from the point of view of a Buddy or as a Participant – then get in touch with us at

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