Meet your Student Election 2023 Candidates

Written by: UPSU


With nominations now closed, we can finally announce your candidates for the UPSU Student Election 2023!

The following University of Plymouth students have put themselves forward to represent you, to work to improve your student experience and influence changes that can make your student life better.



Running for President

This Sabbatical Officer will:

  • Lead and support the Sabbatical Officer team
  • Develop the strategic direction of the UPSU through the Board of Trustees and relevant Sub-Committees
  • Chair the UPSU Board of Trustees and sit on the University of Plymouth Board of Governors
  • Take the lead on external communication; being the first point of contact for public and media queries
  • Represent University of Plymouth students on a national level and lead on priority campaigns to improve the student experience


Oluwabukunmi Omotosho
Candidate for President

Currently studying: 
MSc Data Science and Business Analytics



Sam Ashton
Candidate for President

Currently studying:
BSc (Hons) Events Management


Sandesh Shettigar
Candidate for President

Currently studying:
MSc Digital and Social Media Marketing


Tonari Arikekpar
Candidate for President

MSc Biomedical Science




Running for VP Education

This Sabbatical Officer will:

  • Represent UoP students and lead on campaigns to improve their academic experiences
  • Lead communication with the UoP Faculties, developing relationships and representing students
  • Lead on the development and support of the academic representation system
  • Engage and support academic representatives (such as Course and School Reps) in campaigns to improve the student experience
  • Sit on the UPSU Board of Trustees and ensure that UPSU fulfils the needs of students whilst functioning efficiently as a Charity


Kit Towner
Candidate for VP Education

Currently studying:
MSc Criminology

Neil Paul Cummins
Candidate for VP Education

Currently studying:
BSc (Hons) Nursing (Mental Health)

Raghav Pruthi
Candidate for VP Education

Currently studying:
BSc (Hons) Environmental Management and Sustainability

Darcie Jones
Candidate for VP Education

Currently studying:
BA (Hons) History

Joseph Havers
Candidate for VP Education

Currently studying:
MSc Research Methods in Psychology



Running for VP Activities

This Sabbatical Officer will:

  • Represent UoP students and work to improve areas relating to student Societies, Sports Clubs, Volunteering, Social Sport Initiatives, and Fundraising
  • Chair both the Sports Club and the Societies Forum, collating items for discussion and formulating the agenda
  • Encourage students to engage with UPSU student groups and initiatives by promoting them within UPSU, the University and locally
  • Support the development of community partnerships and championing what our students do
  • Develop the strategic direction of the UPSU by sitting on the Board of Trustees and relevant Sub-Committees


Isla Symons
Candidate for VP Activities

Currently studying:
MSc Offshore Renewable Energy


Ugochi Edith Nkwocha
Candidate for VP Activities

Currently studying:
MSc Health Data Science and Statistics

Thalia Stinton
Candidate for VP Activities

Currently studying:
BSc (Hons) Marine Biology and Coastal Ecology



Running for VP Wellbeing & Diversity

This Sabbatical Officer will:

  • Lead on campaigns and projects to improve the experience of UoP students in all matters relating to health, wellbeing, equality and diversity
  • Work to improve the support available for students whilst at the UoP
  • Represent students on issues affecting liberation groups and lead on campaigns and projects to improve their student experiences
  • Work alongside UPSU departments to publicise wellbeing related services and signpost students to support and representation as required
  • Be a Trustee of the UPSU and sit on relevant Sub-Committees, ensuring that the UPSU fulfils the needs of students whilst functioning efficiently as a Charity


Jerome Abraham Ogbeide
Candidate for VP Wellbeing & Diversity

Currently studying:
MA Human Resource Management

Ashish Suresh Tiwari
Candidate for VP Wellbeing & Diversity

Currently studying:
MSc Digital and Social Media Marketing

Daniella Marley
Candidate for VP Wellbeing & Diversity

Currently studying:
BSc (Hons) Business Management with Foundation Year

Sharon Felix
Candidate for VP Wellbeing & Diversity

Currently studying:
MSc Clinical Psychology



School Rep Elections

School Representatives are at the centre of the academic representation system within their respective school. They support the Course Reps and assist in progressing feedback from programme to school level. School Reps meet with their Faculty Lead and the VP Education, where needed, to progress any feedback from students to the Faculty or University through the appropriate channels.

School Reps attend Student Staff Liaison Committee (SSLC) and School Teaching Learning Quality Committee (STLQC), they are also members of the UPSU Union Council. School Reps are unpaid volunteers and work with UPSU while studying.

Imhonikhe Audu

Candidate for Plymouth Business School Rep

Katie Thiessen

Candidate for School of Biological & Marine Sciences Rep


Adam Holt

Candidate for School of Geography, Earth & Environmental Sciences Rep

Ryan Everett

Candidate for School of Geography, Earth & Environmental Sciences Rep

Mustafa Janneh

Candidate for School of Nursing and Midwifery Rep

Megan Williams

Candidate for School of Society and Culture Rep



Got a question about voting in the Student Elections? Visit our FAQs page to find out more.


Voting opens Monday 27th February Find out more

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