On the 30th April UPSU received notice, from the UPSU Board of Trustees, for a call to hold a Referendum pertaining to the Union’s affiliation to the National Union of Students (NUS).
This preceded a ballot which asked students to vote Yes or No to the following question; ‘Should the University of Plymouth Students’ Union (UPSU) continue to be affiliated with the National Union of Students (NUS)?’
The ballot, which was open between 8th – 14th May needed to reach a minimum of 649 votes to be binding.
At the close of voting the results were:
Total votes cast 1021
- Votes For 557
- Votes Against 441
- Abstentions 23
With 4.7% of eligible students of the University of Plymouth voting, the outcome of this Referendum is that UPSU will remain affiliated to NUS.
UPSU would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who took part in the Referendum