SU Advice: New neighbours and how to get along


There is nothing worse when you are living in a new location than an annoying neighbour, after all, you are going to be living with one another for at least a year, so it is better to get along and create friendships instead of enemies.

Below you can find our top tips for getting along with your neighbours this year; 


Be polite

When you move in go and introduce yourself and find out who your neighbours are. If they are night workers it won’t matter if you’re noisy in the evening as long as you’re quiet in the day, yet if you’re living next to a young family they will not appreciate your drum and bass at 3am!

This could result in noise complaints and further action being taken, No one wants that to happen, University is meant to be a fun experience for all. 


Remember your bins

Plymouth City Council is very clear on when you can put your bins out and failure to follow their rules could cost you £100. Your neighbours will not appreciate an alley full of pizza boxes and bottles so follow the rules. 

Check your collection day on this handy tool



If you bring a car and the rest of your housemates have one too, then be considerate there are others living around you that will also want to park near their home and remember to follow the parking permit rules if you have one.

Always read the parking instruction signs very clearly otherwise you could be given a parking ticket as a result of parking incorrectly. 



If you smoke then you will be used to the wind and rain by now, but be considerate and don’t stand next to an open window where the smell of your smoke will inevitably go, and remember that you can only smoke in designated smoking areas these are all clearly displayed. 



Living with other people can sometimes prove too much for some, if you are worried about a housemate then you can always talk to the University Wellbeing Services about the best way to help them, the University Wellbeing Service will then offer you and your housemate all the support they need.

You can also find support on the UPSU FAQ page for advice.


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