New free virtual fitness sessions from the Give It A Go program!


Give It A Go is expanding its offer to include free virtual fitness sessions until the end of March, and still maintaining the more relaxing Yoga, Dance and Meditation sessions.


New sessions include:

30 Min Abs Attack 30 Min Shred Aerobics Body Conditioning Legs, Bums and Tums
Flex and Stretch Kettlebells BoxFit Sweat and Sculpt Pilates


Give It A Go Timetable


All of these sessions and FREE for ALL Plymouth University Students to access.

Just click the GIAG Timetable link above to see more information on each event and book a ticket to access the zoom link.

Partaking in any form of activity improves; fitness, wellbeing, mindset, health and numerous other benefits. At such a difficult time it is important the student communities come together to support each other and exercise is one way to do this. The SU really hope the free timetable is received positively and students engage in whatever is best for them and try something new in the comfort of their own space.

It doesn't matter what level or ability you are lots of the sessions are adapted to suit multiple needs and you can stop whenever you like. It is completely up to you whether you have your camera on or off in the session.

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