One in a Million Support Staff Award


Supporting students throughout their time at University can make a world of difference. The One in a Million Support Staff Award recognises those members of support staff who, in any shape or form, aid students to make their lives and their student experience better. They meaningfully and effectively empower the students that they support while being professional, patient and approachable. 

And the winner is... 

Smeaton Labs Technical Support Team 

“The technical support team that are based on the 3rd floor of Smeaton are nothing short of amazing for supporting the education of SECaM students. Daily, their activities include monitoring Dissertation Project Spends, maintenance of laboratory equipment, purchasing materials, assistance in lab teaching exercises AND 1-2-1 fault-finding of student's electronics.” 

“Over the past 3 years, they have overwhelmingly transformed the student experience and made working in the lab a positive and enjoyable experience. There is a sense of community and culture between the support team and students.” 

“Smeaton 303 has become somewhat 'Common Room' thanks to these guys. John, Stewart, Anna, Karen, Jake, Martin and James collectively provide a student experience that makes Plymouth stand out from other Universities, and make the harsh work environment of a lab feel somewhat home-ly. They are 7 in a Million Support Staff.” 


Due to the strength of the nominations and the impact of this person’s dedication to improving the student experience, a Highly Commended Award has been given in this category. 

Highly Commended: Kathy Redfern  
Lecturer in Human Nutrition, School of Biomedical Sciences (Faculty of Health: Medicine, Dentistry and Human Sciences 

“Kathy has managed the PALS Leaders for a while now and has provided us all with support on improving student engagement within our Faculty. She goes above and beyond, providing us with the relevant knowledge and feedback that is required to fulfil the role of a PALS Leader.” 

“She is very approachable and friendly. Most importantly, if you are ever stressed or are not sure how to structure a PALS session, she will ensure you leave her feeling reassured. She empowers us all to do our best and has continued to support me through my degree.” 

“I want to personally thank you for being a huge part of my University experience and for being a friendly face when things get tough.” 


All nominees: 

  • Christie Pritchard 
  • Dr George Littlejohn 
  • Gill Tonkin 
  • Joanna Rowland 
  • Kassandra Clemens 
  • Kathy Redfern 
  • Lee Hutt 
  • Lorna Williamson 
  • Lowri Jones 
  • Marie Palmer 
  • RLB Cafe Staff 
  • Sharon Davis 
  • Shaun Lewin 
  • Smeaton Labs Technical Support Team 
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