Student Group Plymouth Rollers Encourage a Different Kind of Post Lockdown Exercise


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Hello, I’m Amy and I study BEng (Hons) Mechanical Engineering here at the University of Plymouth. I’m also an avid roller skater (and attempting to be a longboarder). I run an Instagram page called @plymouthrollers.

It all started a few weeks ago when I met some amazing roller skaters on Plymouth Hoe. They added me to their WhatsApp group called Plymouth Rollers, which was started over a year ago by the founder's Star and Lizzie. A few weeks went by, and I got asked to pose for some photos for a tourist, so of course, I said yes, and she sent me the photos. Some of my mates said that the photos were very “instagramable” so I thought why not, I'll make a Plymouth Rollers Instagram. 




The idea behind Plymouth Rollers is to showcase rollers in Plymouth, this includes roller skaters, skateboarders, longboarders, mountain bikers, BMX, and scooters of all abilities and ages. I organise photoshoot's weekly as well as meetups almost daily (when the weather is good!) 

Skating helps both your mind and your body, being outside in the fresh air on your skates feels so freeing and can even be made to fit around your busy schedules (the only problem is the rain doesn't always follow the plan). If you are new to skating, feel free to DM me for advice on skates/boards/bikes/scooters or even come up to the Hoe, where we are most days and come say hi, or more likely we will come to say hi to you whilst we are skating! 



Currently, I have pro skaters following the account and I'm in talks with @primeskatepark? to be able to use their space for meetups and community sessions to help Plymouth heal after covid. It's been a hard year for all of us, being trapped inside with nothing to do. If you are worried about Covid, don't worry it is a socially distanced sport. Skating comes with an amazing and understanding community, I find nearly every problem you have can be solved at the skate park. 

Can’t wait to meet you,

Amy Street


Photo credit: @will.the.stephens


**This group is a community group run by a student from the University of Plymouth and is not affiliated with UPSU, although we love to see our student community full of life, we encourage all student groups outside of UPSU to keep safe during their activities.**


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