Publication of Results: finding your results, support and making appeals

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For many University of Plymouth students, today is the publication of results. Firstly, as your Students’ Union we want to say good luck to everyone who will be finding out their final grades today; we are proud of how hard you have all worked this academic year and you should be proud of yourself for doing the best you can. 


Where to find the publication of your results: 


All information regarding results can be found on the Student Portal

The portal provides information about:

  • Marking, moderation and decisions about your results
  • University regulations, processes and procedures
  • How to find your results
  • Understanding your results
  • Result publication dates and appeal deadlines
  • Contact information


Where to find support if you are disappointed with your results and are struggling with how you feel about them: 


Some students will feel pleased with their results, while others may feel disappointed. Please respect each other during this time and check in with your peers if you feel they would appreciate it. If you are struggling and feel overwhelmed by the publication of your results and feel you need to speak to someone, please remember to reach out to support services on campus.


What to do if you feel you want to make an appeal:


The University of Plymouth values fairness and works hard to ensure the best outcomes for you. However, if you are dissatisfied with a decision made by the University, you may be able to appeal the decision through the appeals procedure. Please note, you have 10 working days from the date your results are published.

You can submit an appeal against:


If you experience issues related to aspects of teaching and learning on your programme, availability of facilities, or problems with accommodation, you should seek a swift resolution through the student complaint procedure, not the appeals procedure.

You can find out more information on whether or not you should make an appeal and what it means to make an appeal on the University of Plymouth Appeal Procedure webpage here. 

Important information, please note: according to the University of Plymouth, you cannot ‘dispute’ a mark which has been awarded. There are mechanisms in place to ensure quality and standards of marking, involving both internal and external academics.

If you feel that the assessment feedback you receive with your mark does not answer the queries you have as to why the mark awarded is not what you were expecting, you are welcome to ask for additional feedback. Find out more here.


Getting advice for making an appeal: 


Students can obtain independent advice about submitting an appeal from the Students’ Union Student Advice.

The Complaints and Appeals Team can provide general guidance on the appeals process and what you can expect from it. They can be contacted at


Where to make an appeal:


You should read all information about making an appeal on the University of Plymouth Appeal Procedure webpage before submitting an appeal. 

All appeals should be submitted by completing the appeal form and sending it to with all relevant, independent supporting evidence. The Complaints and Appeals Team will send an acknowledgement within ten University working days of receipt of the appeal.


More information and advice about the Publication of Results, how to read them, and how to make appeals from SU Advice can be found here.


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