RAG Elections 2021 - Results


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The RAG (Raise and Give) 2021 election voting period is now over and the results are out!

The voting period ran from 13th May - 19th May, with the following roles available; president, vice president - events, vice president - adventures, secretary & treasurer.

RAG is a student fundraising group who raise money for amazing charities through adventures and events! You can find out more about the amazing work they do from their webpage on the SU website here


The results are as follows:


Elected - Megan Dyer (16 votes)

RON (5 votes)

Vice President - Events

Elected - Ida Seland (11 votes)

RON (2 votes)

Vice President - Adventures 

Elected - Tove-Kjerstin Vea (12 votes)

RON (2 votes)


Elected - Karen Doyle (10 votes)

RON (2 votes)


Elected - Callum Purcell (7 votes)

RON (5 votes)

Health and Safety

Not contested

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