Referred Appeals: how SU Advice can help

Written by: SU Advice

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We know that any periods of examination can be difficult, even more so when there are referred pieces of work being done over the summer. Time seems to slow down when awaiting results, especially when there can be so much riding on the outcome.

Dates for these results can vary depending on your course and faculty and it is your responsibility to check the results date which applies to you. 

You can find date information here.

Hopefully, you receive the results that you wanted but if you didn’t and you have grounds for an appeal, here at the SU Advice Team, we want you to know that we can assist you. 

We are totally independent from the University, which means we can assist without any conflict of interest and all enquiries are completely confidential. 

So, what can we help you do? 

We can give you guidance on how to word your appeal and offer comments on drafts to insure they are as strong as they can be. We can help you through the entire process and explain relevant sections of the policies and procedures to make sure you have the right information.  

The most important thing is that you don’t bury your head in the sand. Students have 10 working days from the date of their results to submit an appeal, so the quicker you contact us the quicker we can help and the more time you have tomake your appeal as strong as possible. 

Please bear in mind that we can deal with many students during this period, but we work hard to ensure that you get a response from us as soon as possible.  

If you find yourself in this scenario after you have had your statement of results, we advise you to contact us through the online enquiry form and uploading your statement of results to that form so we can see what you are referring to. You uploading that document will instantly save us time having to ask for it and will help you deal with the situation quicker. 

We wish you all the best and if you need us, we are here for you and ready to help.

Get in touch: or send us an enquiry form.


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