Results: Your questions surrounding the Safety Net


In just 24 hours you submitted a total of 385 questions relating to the Safety Net and these questions were voted on 9390 times by 1159 students. 

Thank you to each and every one of you who took the time to submit questions, vote on them and share this link with your peers. 

Your questions have now been collated and passed on to your Student Representatives to review. We’ll be releasing information about the pre-recorded Q&A session in the next few days and will provide an update on how you are able to access this as soon as possible – keep an eye on our social media channels for more information. 



From the 385 questions submitted, we’ve drawn out the following key themes and these will be used to decide the questions taken to the University to be answered in the Q&A session. 


Key themes: 


  • Difference in Safety Net measures between this year and last year 
  • The impact on students’ mental health 
  • The impact of a Safety Net and validity of degrees 
  • Support for courses with practical elements including access to workshops, field trips and/or placements 
  • The challenges of studying from home with other responsibilities such as being a keyworker or childcare 
  • Changes to the University experience due to the COVID-19 pandemic 




We received questions on a wide range of issues and to ensure that each question is addressed as thoroughly as possible we will aim to raise these in future Q&A sessions. Although the above themes do not include questions which were asked that were unrelated to the Safety Net, those questions have still been noted and passed on to your Student Representatives to inform and influence further discussions. 

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