SU Covid-19 updates


You will no doubt be aware that the University has announced that all face to face teaching has ceased as of the 17th March, and University staff are transitioning to home working over the week to be in place by Monday 23rd March.

We recognise that these are exceptional, rapidly changing and uncertain times for all of us, and the SU remains available to support all students. We are continuing to work alongside the University to ensure that you receive the information you need to make informed decisions.

The wellbeing of our members and staff continues to be our top priority and following the government guidance, we are making some changes to how our services will be offered. These changes will remain in effect until future notice, we are carrying out constant reviews of our services and how they should be delivered.


Advice centre:

  • We have cancelled all face to face contact and closed the centre for drop in appointments. You can still contact our advisors for support on
  • We are developing systems to improve the ways we deliver advice digitally, we are here to support you so get in touch if you need us.


  • We are still able to represent you through digital channels. If you want to get in touch and discuss how we can support you please contact our Student Voice team on



  • The SU Bar will be closed as of 18th March until further notice.

Coffee shop:

  • The outlet is closed as of 18th March until further notice.

SU Shop:

  • The SU shop is now closed until further notice.

SU Gym:

  • The gym is closed as of 10pm, 18th March
  • As a result of our closure, we will be freezing all memberships until further notice. Any bookings of our facilities will be eligible for a refund or will be rescheduled on the reopening of the centre. All inquiries please email: 



We are in regular contact with the University regarding developments for students, and we ourselves will be updating our information as the situation progresses. We will keep you updated with key information. We encourage you to continue talking to one another and checking in on each other as much as possible.


Keep connected:

University info: 

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