SU Gym reopening Thursday 3rd December


We’re delighted to announce that following the lifting of the national lockdown, the SU Gym will be reopening from Thursday 3rd December.

The opening hours for the SU Gym are as follows:

  • Monday – Friday: 7:30am – 10pm
  • Saturday – Sunday:  9.00am - 6.00pm


We can’t wait to welcome you back.

We’ve made some changes for the safety of our staff and members, you can read a brief overview below.


  • We have implemented a booking system for users of the Gym, you will be able to book your slot a day before or on the day (please only book one session per day). You’ll need to turn up at the time your booking is due to start, you won’t be allowed in until your allocated slot start time.
  • We’ve limited the capacity inside the gym to enable us to socially distance inside. The machines are positioned two metres apart and we’ve introduced zones limited to one user at a time for social distancing purposes.
  • We’ve introduced a one way system (clockwise) inside the gym
  • We’ve increased sanitation and provided sanitising stations, blue roll and additional bins for regular use. There is also regular cleaning of the area from dedicated SU Gym cleaning staff


For a full list of safety measures implemented in response to the coronavirus pandemic, please click here.


We'll be emailing all current gym members tomorrow with an overview of our opening hours and safety procedures.


Or you can watch an overview of these measures here:



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