School Rep of the Year Award


Schools Reps are elected to represent the views of students in their School, this can sometimes be a challenging role. A School Rep who listens to students and influences real change deserves recognition and the School Rep of the Year Award recognises those Reps who go above and beyond to make time for students and form a clear link between the student body, the Students’ Union and the University at a School and Faculty level. 

The winner of this award will have proactively engaged with Course Reps and shown an enthusiasm to learn and act upon their concerns and ideas. They will have effectively utilised their voice to communicate the student voice, influencing high level University and Students’ Union decision making and used appropriate and tailored methods to collect and disseminate key information between students and their Schools and vice versa. 

And the winner is... 



Sam Duffield 
School Rep for the School of Engineering, Computing and Mathematics 

“Sam has done so much as a school rep this year, his passion and drive to achieve as much as he can is inspiring and makes other reps want to work harder.” 

“Sam brings a level of professionalism and determination to the role which is hard to find. He is always keen to try new ideas to better the experience of his students and he tackles the gritty issues with a calm and firm attitude.” 

“Sam really champions for change within the faculty. These changes have allowed for student to feels like they are listened to and that their feedback matters.” 

“He listens to all of our issues and does everything it takes to find a solution, even during his own personal time. One of the best sources of advice for everything related to the university, always supports us and always has our back.” 

“He is willing to go the extra mile for students and keeps them updated on his work from the year. You have done amazing this year Sam, well done :)” 


Read more about Sam’s work this year here.


Due to the strength of the nominations we have awarded a Highly Commended to a School Rep who has gone above and beyond to represent her peers. 


Highly Commended: Emma Quinn
School Rep for the Plymouth Insititute of Education 

“Emma has been incredibly supportive toward me and my peers especially during placement and the introduction of EPad. She has always been professional when dealing with complaints, arguments and disagreements between students and lecturers.” 

“I am incredibly thankful to have Emma as our school rep as she has become the cohort's main support. She continuously asks for the opinions, concerns, and worries of the students in our cohort and I truly believe that she listens to and cares about what individuals have to say.” 

“Emma is passionate about getting the best for the BEd students and her dedication has brought us the best final year I could have asked for.” 

“Emma has seized the opportunities available to her in her role and is always getting involved in making the course better and contributing to the development of the university. Thank you, Emma, it's a tough role being on the frontline but it's appreciated.” 


All nominees: 

  • Sam Duffield 
  • Emma Quinn 
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