Re-usable cups to be used at SU nightclub



Say goodbye to single-use!

Last year, almost 1000 students petitioned to cut out the single-use plastic in our nightclubs. Following this, your SU President met the students behind the movement, ‘Students Against Single-Use', and pledged to help make this happen. Thanks to the commitment of our bar and commercial staff, we are happy to announce that starting from the 9th of September, your SU will be using re-usable cups during our nightclubs.*

We look forward to celebrating with you during freshers!

*during large-scale events such as main hall or summer ball this is not possible due to resource and safety. We are exploring alternative sustainable options.

Got ideas on how we can be more sustainable? Email your SU President, Tilda Fraser. 

Find out more about Students against Single-Use here. 

Interested in becoming our Part-Time Sustainability Officer? Email our Student Voice team.


Tilda Fraser
SU President, 2019/2020
Get in touch.


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