Student Elections 2024: nominations open January 8th

Written by: UPSU

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The Students’ Union is not just a physical space, it is you and everyone around you. 

We are a democracy; this means that you, the University of Plymouth student community, elect the students who lead our organisation and represent you. 

We are student-led through strong democratic structures and firmly believe in the power of democracy. 


Nominations open January 8th. Nominate yourself on the Student Elections webpage here.



What are the student elections, and what does it mean to become a Sabbatical Officer? 

Each year, every University of Plymouth student is given the opportunity to put themselves forward in the Student Elections: it does not matter whether you are an undergraduate or a postgraduate, what course you are studying, whether you are an international student or what age you are: you can nominate yourself. 

These elections decide which four students represent the voices of the entire student community at the University of Plymouth, campaign for change, and ultimately work to improve the student experience as a member of the Sabbatical Officer team. 

The four student Sabbatical roles are President, VP Education, VP Activities and VP Wellbeing & Diversity. 

Sabbatical Officers have a direct say in how the Students' Union is run and work to develop the strategic direction of our UPSU by speaking on your behalf at high-level meetings and working alongside the SU CEO, directors, and other staff members, as well as the University of Plymouth, and external organisations. 

Sabbatical Officers are full-time, paid members of staff.

Elected individuals will either take a break from their course for one year and return to their studies after their one-year post has ended or will start their Sabbatical Officer position once they have finished their course if they apply to be a Sabbatical Officer during their final year of study. 

You can find out more information about the position of each Sabbatical Officer by downloading the job descriptions here.



What and when is the Student Elections nomination period?

The 2024 Student Election nomination period will commence on January 8th, 2024. From this date, you can put yourself forward as a candidate to run in the Student Elections. The nomination period will close on February 5th, 2024. If you decided to nominate yourself during this period, all you will need to do is put your name forward at this time. You will then receive information about what you need to submit in order to become a candidate.

Visit the Student Elections webpage for more information, including a timeline of key dates you will need to know about if you decide to put yourself forward.



If I decide not to nominate myself in the Student Election, do I still have a say in how the Students’ Union is run?

Even if you decide not to run for any democratically elected student representative positions, you remain a member of the Students’ Union and are part of our democratic structures. We hold forums and open meetings for the student community to come together and discuss ideas and work with your Sabbatical Officers to create positive change, including our Annual Student Meeting. As well as regular open meetings, any University of Plymouth student can put forward feedback and ideas to share with their representatives at any time by submitting a form or contacting our Student Voice team at the Students’ Union. 



Thinking of becoming a School Representative?

Our team of part-time Student Representatives play a vital role in making sure that the voices of students at the University of Plymouth are heard. This year the procedure of becoming a School Rep has changed and will now be appointed as opposed to elected. This means that you are able to submit an application for the role and the best candidate will be selected by a panel instead of by ballot. School Rep roles are paid (you will receive a termly stipend). Keep an eye out on our website and on social media channels for more information about applying to become a School Rep once the Elections period has finished. You could also put yourself forward to become a Course Rep, where your Programme will either have an election, or you can nominate yourself. This is decided by University staff and usually takes place at the start of the academic year. 

More information about becoming a part-time Student Representative coming soon.



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