Student Part-Time Elections 2020: Meet Your Candidates




We are a democracy

This means that you elect the students who lead the SU and represents you, we are student-led through strong democratic structures and firmly believe in the principle and power of democracy.

The Students' Union is not just a physical space, it's you and everyone around you. We work to empower you to make positive change in your community, be it locally, nationally, or internationally. When you’re a student here at the University of Plymouth, you're instantly a member of your Students' Union, and that means you have a role in the decisions that affect you.

As a member, you're a part of our 'democratic structures'. We hold forums and meetings for you and other students to come together, discuss ideas, and work with your Sabbatical Officers to create positive change. 



Voting opens on Monday 12th October at midday!

The following University of Plymouth students have put themselves forward to represent you, to work to improve your student experience and influence changes that can make your life better.



School Representatives 2020/21 Candidates 

Elect School Representatives who are at the centre of the academic representation system within their respective school.


Peninsula Dental School 
This vacant role will remain open, contact for details


Peninsula Medical School 
Emily Schenk
Plymouth Business School 
Joshua Marr
Perran Johnson
Institute of Education 
This vacant role will remain open, contact for details
Art, Design & Architecture 
Catriona Dodd
William Styles 
Jennifer Blake 
Biological & Marine Science 
Georgia Small
Biomedical & Healthcare Science 
This vacant role will remain open, contact for details
Engineering, Computing and Maths 
Josh Hocking 
Geography, Earth and Environmental Science 
Harry Lovering 
Izzy Haines
Health Professions 
Simrandeep Kaur
Humanities and Performing Arts 
This vacant role will remain open, contact for details
Law, Criminology and Government 
India Ellis
Samual Pritchard
Nursing and Midwifery 
Emma Collins 
Maeve Hoey
Elizabeth Goode
Tafadzwa Nyambuya



Part-Time Officers 2020/21 Candidates

Elect those who are empowered to set the political course of action for your Students’ Union and to enhance your University experience.?


Accountability Board Chair 
Alex Butters 
Alexander Jobling 
Member of Accountability Board 
Josh Hocking 
Transgender & Non-Binary 
Jonah Zalick 
Sophie Wood 
Katherine Collins 
This vacant role will remain open, contact for details
Environment & Sustainability 
Sam Haines 
Neve Peat
Faith & Belief 
This vacant role will remain open, contact for details
International Students 
Jean Michel Evelyn 
This vacant role will remain open, contact for details
Kitty Gaiety 
Mature Students 
This vacant role will remain open, contact for details
Students with Disabilities 
William Robinson 
Owain Gullam 
Jessica Andrews Smith 
Union Council Chair 
Robert Nutkins 
Will Jones 



How to vote?

Head over after the elections have opened (12th October 12pm) to vote for who represents you! 


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