Volunteer Spotlight: Cat Jones


Cat Jones

Student Led Volunteering Project Leader 2016-17

"Throughout my degree in Geology I was fortunate to have the time around lectures to volunteer on a weekly basis with the Special Olympics Plymouth team. This opportunity was invaluable to my personal development and studies. Being able to give back to the local community and see the immediate impact of your actions was beyond incredible. In my year as the Special Olympics Project Leader as well as the Senior Project Leader I was able to gain transferable skills in leadership and management and along with continuing to work with the team at Special Olympics Plymouth, I was able to take my experiences and confirm my decision to begin a new course and study Nursing upon graduating. I am now 6 months from qualifying as a Registered Nurse and I owe so much of my career already to the Special Olympics Plymouth team - the work they do, and change they all instil in the community is life-changing for the members as well as the volunteers, it is clear as to why they win so many community awards, all recognition is rightfully deserved." 

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