Student wellbeing tips in the last week of Lockdown 2.0


As we settle into the last week of lockdown and as winter looms in, it is now more important than ever for us to take care of our wellbeing.

At the last Wellbeing forum, some tips were shared on how to take care of your wellbeing during this unprecedented time.



Stay Connected:

Friends and family, especially in such difficult circumstances, can be a great help. They can give suggestions and viewpoints that are different from what's happening in your head, giving you a fresh perspective. It might not be possible to have face-to-face contact today, but there are a number of other ways to stay in touch, such as phone calls, text messages, video calls. Be adventurous and play games, have a snack, or have fun doing something!


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Do things you enjoy:

Amongst the uncertainty, it’s still important that you have fun and do things you enjoy. This will serve as a good distraction from the current situation's negativity and will lift your mood as well. There will be a lot of things which you can no longer do in the same way, but make time to adapt to these activities. Here are some ideas:

  • Exercise in the house as an alternative to the gym
  • Cook things that you would previously not have the time to cook
  • Binge-watch your favourite cartoon or series
  • Go for a walk and discover secret locations in Plymouth



Give to others:

Research indicates that acts of kindness can help create positive feelings and a sense of reward, give you purpose and self-worth, and help you connect with others. Examples include small acts of kindness to other individuals, volunteering in your local community, or even smiling at supermarket workers.



Make sure you know what support is available:

Whilst it’s important to look after your physical health and maintain social distancing, your mental health is just as important. Remaining indoors and away from people can be difficult but your University is here for you, your student union is here for you.


Remember your SU Advice Centre is still open, and providing their normal service, just virtually.

Join us for the next Wellbeing Forum which will be an informal session via Zoom where you can learn more about the wide range of support services available to you as a University of Plymouth student and ask us any questions you may have.

The session will be student-led and is brought to you by your VP Wellbeing & Diversity, Fawziyyah Ahmed. Keep an eye on our Social Media and our Events Calander for updates on when this will be.


You are not alone, we are all in this together!

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