Support around Code of Conduct Disciplinary meetings

Written by: SU Advice

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Life rarely goes smoothly and sometimes things happen that we regret. We hope that every student has a blot-free time at the University of Plymouth, but we know that this just simply isn’t the reality for every student.

As a University of Plymouth student, you are expected to abide by their Code of Conduct, which is a framework to help students understand the behaviour that is expected of them. If that code is breached, it's likely that disciplinary action will be instigated.

If you find yourself called to any Code of Conduct of Disciplinary meetings, we can assist you. We, as an SU Advice Team, offer free, confidential, and independent advice. We're not here to judge you or anything you have done; we are here to give you advice to ensure that you are prepared for the process and represent yourself in the best possible way.



A Code of Conduct Disciplinary usually includes the following stages; 

  1. Allegations of misconduct can be made by another student, by a staff member, or by a third party which could be a member of the public or even the police or medical services etc.
  2. Once a complaint has been received, meetings will normally be held with the complainant and the responding student (separately), as well as any witnesses, to ascertain more information. This is often called an investigation meeting.
  3. We can support you in preparation for and during investigation meetings, so if you are advised that there has been an allegation made against you, please contact us as soon as possible and we can hopefully make things easier to understand.

Sometimes cases can be resolved at that point, or it may be found there is no case to answer. However, it can also be decided that a major misconduct panel is needed. Again, we can offer support. The key thing is not to wait to seek support! Particularly with misconduct panels, the more time we have to work with you, the more we can help you to effectively prepare.



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