If you've ever been to the SU on a Friday night you might have seen a group of students handing out tea and toast as you enter or leave. This group of students are the University of Plymouth Christian Union.
Whatever the weather, every Friday night you'll find them between 11pm - 3am outside the Main Hall.
University of Plymouth Christian Union said:
"Rewan Ashby and Charlotte Anning are the guys that run tea and toast; supported by the rest of the CU! We run tea and toast every Friday night as a way to show students on campus the love of Jesus and to support any students who chat to us about the Christian Faith or life in general. It is a really well received event and we love doing it!"
Next time you're out and about on a Friday night drop by and say hello!

The Christian Union is a group of university students from different churches across the city of Plymouth that come together as a mission team on campus. Their mission statement is “to know Jesus and make him known” and with this comes a vision to see students coming to faith, growing in their relationship with God and going on to become disciple makers in the world.
Find out more about them on their societies page, on their website and on social media. Facebook // Twitter // Instagram