Thank you Gina Connelly


After 22 years with UPSU, Gina Connelly, who has been our Chief Executive for the past seven years, is retiring as at the end of April. Gina initially joined UPSU with a finance specialism but progressed through the organisation to become our Chief Executive.  She has contributed hugely to the development both of the organisation and its officers and staff and her commitment and enthusiasm have remained constant throughout.  We - and the University itself- owe her many thanks. 

While saying farewell to Gina, we are delighted to welcome Sarah Gibson, previously Chief Executive of the Plymouth Waterfront Partnership, who has been appointed our new Chief Executive with effect from 16 April.  Sarah is both passionate about the role and - despite the current challenging external situation created by COVID-19 - very positive about the future and we look forward to working with her to build further on Gina’s achievements. 

Thank you Gina from everyone at UPSU

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