The Big Thank You Award


The Big Thank You Award is awarded to that person who makes your day that little bit better. The award recognises any individual member of staff, staff team or a student that enhances your experience at the University of Plymouth.  

And the winner is... 



Dr Alan Butler 
Cornerstone Praxis Research Fellow and Project Manager and Associate Lecturer in Heritage, Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Business 

“Thank you for supporting and inspiring me to continue and assisting me to find a pathway through my degree, that has inspired and created a future career in a field I love.” 

“As a mature student returning to study the adventure of the university experience can be an exciting yet scary, especially when you lose yourself on the pathway and do not have a direction. Dr Alan Butler introduced me to the connected world of the community projects outside the university, whilst supporting and encourage my academic endeavours.” 

“His innovative practices and way of thinking enabled me to have an immersive experience, as he shares his many contacts and connections throughout the city, from organisations and projects, that allows a real-world experience that enables you to really envisage a career at the end of your degree. I thank Dr Alan Buter wholeheartedly for his continued support and encouragement without it, I would not have achieved my degree.” 


Due to the strength of the nominations we received, the following person has been awarded Highly Commended in this category. 


Highly Commended: Benjamin Harding 

“I cannot thank Ben enough for making my University experience so much more pleasant than if he had not been around.  I am a mature student and despite the 30 years age difference between us he has been instrumental in keeping me focussed on my studies by providing both academic and emotional support. When I struggled, he gave clarity and a vision to help me through my dark periods and was also there to help celebrate when things went well.” 

“He is truly inspirational to all with his willingness to share his knowledge, outlook and skills and, despite his other commitments, he still found space to involve and support me.” 


All nominees: 

  • Ana Coelho 
  • Ana Ferreira Coelho 
  • Andrew Atfield 
  • Ben Harding 
  • Beverley Bowden 
  • Catherine Hine 
  • Clare Ackland 
  • Dr Alan Butler 
  • Dr Carol Robinson 
  • Dr Jill Schwarz 
  • Dr Shirley Atkinson 
  • Emilia Dowse 
  • Jaspreet Kaur 
  • Liz Taplin 
  • Lucy Jenner 
  • Luke Fisher 
  • Madeleine Steer 
  • Marie Palmer 
  • Michelle Rysdale 
  • Rebecca Lawes     
  • Samuel Skuse 
  • Sharron (Cookworthy Cafe) 
  • Shaun Lewin 
  • Simon Fix 
  • Tamara Mortimer 
  • Tanya Bellingham 
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