The Mel Joyner Award for Championing Equality and Diversity


The Mel Joyner Award for Championing Equality and Diversity is awarded to an individual or individuals who really put equality and diversity at the heart of everything that they do. 

They may support students in overcome barriers in achieving their desired career goals, push students to challenge their perceptions and/or stereotypes and encourage an accurate representation of staff and students with diverse backgrounds using innovative methods. 

And the winner is... 


Phil Medway 
Acting Associate Director for ITE 

“From the minute I got to Plymouth, Phil has been an inspiration of the teacher I want to become. He is passionate that nothing but the best is good enough and that especially applies to those who need a little more help in accessing their potential.” 

“Phil goes further than inclusion and equality and strives for equity, breaking down the barriers that limit students rather than adapting practice around them. He pushes students to really examine their beliefs and challenges us to question every stereotype and that if we don't like it then be the change we want to see.” 



Due to the strength of the nominations we have also decided to award a Highly Commended for this category. 

Highly Commended: Lowri Jones 
Senior Administrator – Complaints and Appeals Office 

“The amount of passion and enthusiasm Lowri had for positive change was incredible. It has been a pleasure working alongside Lowri for various events this year and making the student experience a lot better for a group of students who felt hidden.” 

“I want to thank Lowri for the support and hard work she, and the rest of the LGBT+ staff forum, as well as the EDI team put into the rainbow flag being raised on campus for the first time, supporting and empowering LGBT+ students on campus has filled campus with a sense of pride. The difference is unmeasurable. The support Lowri provides day to day without even noticing doesn't go unnoticed.” 



All nominees: 

  • Phil Medway 
  • Andrew Grace 
  • Lowri Jones 
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