Thinking of running in the Student Elections? Come along to one of our sessions!

Written by: UPSU

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If you are thinking about nominating yourself as a candidate in the 2024 Student Elections but would like to know some more information and ask any questions about the role of a Sabbatical Officer or the elections process, please come along to one of our 'thinking of running?' sessions!

Please note that will we still try to update information on this page as quickly as possible, however, dates and times for these events are subject to change. Please click on the 'more information about this event' links to see the most up-to-date information, including any Zoom links.

Please note: the nomination period closes on February 5th 2024.



International Student Focus Session.

Monday 22 Jan 17:00, Rolle 212.

In this session, we will spend a bit more time looking at the Sabbatical Officer roles from an international student perpective. If you are an international student and cannot attend this event, you are welcome to come to any other thinking of running session.

More information about this event:



Information and Q&A Session via Zoom.

Thursday 25th Jan 18:00 via Zoom.

Find out more about the opportunity to become a Sabbatical Officer, including:

  • What the Sabbatical Officers do
  • What's involved in running in the election
  • The election process
  • How to nominate yourself
  • What happens during campaigning
  • How voting works
  • And any questions you may have!

Find out more about this event:



Information and Q&A Session (in person).

Friday 26th Jan, 13:00, Rolle 212.

If you would prefer to ask questions in person rather than over Zoom, or if you attended the Zoom session but have thought of some more questions you would like to ask, please come along to Rolle 202 on Friday 26th January at 13:00 and meet SU staff who will be happy to help!

More information about this event:



Information and Q&A Session via Zoom.

Tues 30th Jan, 13:00 via Zoom. 

This session will take the same approach as Thurday 25th January's Zoom Q&A session. You can attend as many of these sessions as you would like to, and we encourage you to come prepared with some questions that SU staff can answer. 

More information about this event:



Information and Q&A Session (in person).

Wed 31st Jan, 15:00 in Rolle 212.

This will be the final in person, drop in Q&A session. Please come along and ask any final questions or speak to SU staff about any concerns you may have about putting yourself forward in the Student Elections.

More information about this event:



If you are unable to attend these sessions and would like to ask SU Voice a question about nominating yourself in the Student Elections, please get in touch!

Your Student Voice team are on hand to talk you through the Elections process if you have any questions about running as a candidate for the 2024 Student Elections, or if you just want to know more about how you can make your voice heard at the University of Plymouth.




Visit the 2024 Student Elections webpage.

Find out more about the Student Elections, including key dates, Sabbatical Officer job descriptions, and the election process on the 2024 Student Elections webpage here.


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