Top reasons for not voting in the Student Elections 2020


Yeah, we get it. You've heard enough from us - here's 8 reasons why you shouldn't bother voting in the Student Elections 2020.

The following comments are based on feedback we've heard from students in previous years. If you haven't voted yet, don't see the point or don't think it's relevant to you then have a read through - voting only takes two minutes and it truly is your opportunity to shape your University experience for the better.


"I haven't got time and it takes too long."


The voting process has been improved over the last few years so it should take you less than a minute. For more information on how the voting system works and how to use your vote click here. A minute of your time to decide who represents you for a whole year is a minute well spent.

Vote here  

"I don't go in the SU so it doesn't affect me."


Don't go to the SU? Well UPSU is more than just a nightclub, bar, coffee shop, shop, music venue and event space. It is those things... plus much more.

Even if you don't go into the Students' Union itself, if you're part of a society or a sports club, if you volunteer, if you're a Student Rep or have ever spoken to your School, Course or Faculty Rep, if you've ever needed advice about Student Finance or sought to query feedback you've been given by academic staff, you've probably interacted with your SU.

In short, if you're a student at the University of Plymouth then the leaders of your Students' Union do affect you - make sure you have your say by deciding who you feel will do this best.

Vote here

"There's no point in me voting because that candidate's obviously going to win."


If everyone said that then no one would win. Each and every candidate needs your vote - don't leave it to someone else to choose who represents you.

Vote here

"I'm too busy getting on with my degree to be bothered about student politics."


Fair enough, your degree should definitely come first but the Students' Union isn't just about having a good night out.

The role of the Sabbatical Officers is to improve the experience of students at the University of Plymouth. This includes your academic experience, your wellbeing while studying and creating opportunities to improve your employability after graduation.

Vote here

"I don't know who to vote for."


Well, it couldn't be easier to find out what each one stands for: 

Or find them out on campus until Friday 21st February and ask them about what they plan to do for you and why you should vote for them.

Vote here

"I don't agree with what they're saying in their manifestos so I won't bother voting for any of them."


Use the 14th - 21st February to speak to candidates face to face to find out what they're about. Your feedback could well be very useful to them.

If you really don't agree with any of the candidates for the different roles, consider voting RON (Re-open Nominations). By voting RON you are saying that you don't believe that any of the candidates standing are right for the role but that, very importantly, you are still exercising your right to use your vote. Find out more here.

Vote here

"It doesn't matter who gets in, it won't change anything anyway."


Sabbatical Officers have the opportunity to make real change. They regularly attend high level University meetings with top members of University such as the Vice Chancellor, Deputy Vice Chancellor Education & Student Experience and Director of Student Services to discuss the key issues affecting students currently and what to do about them. By voting in the Elections you are deciding who you want to be your voice for the next year so it's crucial you use your opportunity to have your say and vote.

But if you don't see the change you want - part of their job is to listen to your feedback and act on it if it's in the student body's best interest. This is your chance to choose who does that on your behalf.

Vote here

"I don't want to win loads of prizes."


Said literally no one ever.

By simply casting your vote in the Student Elections you are automatically entering into a prize draw for the opportunity to win a huge range of prizes as well as Summer Ball tickets.

Check out the full list of prizes here.

Vote here


You've got until midday on Friday 21st February to decide who represents you. Don't leave it for other people to decide for you - vote now.

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