We know that going out is a big part of student life and we want to make sure that you are aware of these top tips to keep safe. Going on nights out can at times be daunting and have its risks, however do not let this stop you from having a great time. There are simple things you can do to keep you and your new friends safe.
Stay together:
When on a night out always travel with people you know and stay within your friendship group, making sure you are travelling in pairs or small groups. We also reccomend arranging a universal meeting point you are all aware of so you can meet there if one of you gets lost. As well as looking out for yourself, make sure you are looking out for your new friends too by not leaving them alone and ensuring they are as safe as they can be. Look out for each other, stay safe and have fun. After all, nights out should be an enjoyable experience for all.
Watch your drink:
Keep your drink with you as leaving it unattended means you are vulnerable to having it spiked. Where possible buy bottled drinks as it is easier to keep the tops covered making it more difficult to spike. If you or your friends believe you have been spiked, take your drink to the bar where they can test it for drugs. Alternatively, speak to a member of staff who will be able to assist you.
Spiking someone’s drink is a serious crime and it can carry a maximum prison sentence of 10 years.
Guidance on spiking from Drinkaware
Ask Angela:
If you find yourself feeling threatened, unsafe or vulnerable on a night out, approach a member of staff or head over to the bar and 'Ask for Angela'. This will then trigger an urgent response from trained staff members and they will be able to help and fully support you. You're never alone.

Make a plan:
On busy nights out, it’s only natural that staying together with your original group of friends may not always be practical and you may become separated from some members of the group. Make sure you always arrange to stay within view of each other. If you plan on going somewhere else, try to let everyone that you came with aware of this. Also make sure that you all have each other’s numbers so that you can find each other again.
Safe Taxi:
You are probably new to Plymouth and do not fully know your way around yet or are just finding your bearings. Stick to well-lit routes if you are walking home late at night and always walk with a friend(s) if possible. Make sure you have a local taxi phone number saved on your phone, we recommend Need A Cab 01752 666222. They offer a safe taxi scheme where you can travel home for free and pay in the SU the very next day. Simply ring 01752 222666 and tell them your name and student number.
Drink responsibly:
On a night out it can often be tempting to get carried away or feel pressure to over drink but this can lead to people becoming overly drunk. Always aim to drink for your own enjoyment, not to simply get drunk and understand how to pace yourself and what your own individual limits are.
Safe drinking tips from Drinkaware
Stick to safe areas:
Try to stick to busy streets and routes which other people are also using. Avoid danger spots such as poorly-lit areas, deserted parks or quiet alleyways.
University support in time of crisis
Devon & Cornwall Police student safety guide