US Presidential Election 2020: What You Need to Know


An article by Owain of University of Plymouth Model U.N. Society


If 2020 couldn’t be more confusing, the position of ‘Leader of the Free World’ is up for grab, and the race to take it has been hectic.

Today, on the last day of campaigning and voting, America will choose the President of the United States.

Whilst we’ve all been watching, there is a lot we might not understand, which isn’t helpful considering the anticipation big events can bring. Coming together to chat about and understand the complex nature of the US election might help us all.



Whilst Voting Continues - Question Time

The University is streaming a question time with the Politics and History Departments, hoping to answer any questions and give a run-through of how the night and days following will look, and what that means for the US, UK and the world.

This will be streamed at 7 pm on YouTube Live, where you can ask anything that might be tickling your mind.

Book your space for free here.



Results Night

Polls close at 11 pm GMT, with the first results taking longer than normal but there will be predictions and estimates flying around, with some networks calling results, and candidates might even weigh in and claim victory in certain states.

The results will be confusing. Alongside the Presidential Race, there will be Senate and House of Representative Races to make up Congress, as well as races for City Councils, State Legislatures and Governorships.

To make sense of it all, from 10:30 pm the Model U.N. Society joined by others will be watching the results together. You’re more than welcome to join where there’ll be just chats and discussions about what it means, what people think and maybe even pondering what the final result will be.


Model U.N. Soc is inviting you to a Zoom call.

Topic: US Election Watch

Time: 10:30pm-Late

Meeting ID: 917 3511 8543

Passcode: 989837




What Next? - The Following Days

The results may take a while, possibly days, much longer than we’re ordinarily used to when it comes to these events. It is to be expected that the election may have many questions surrounding it, to help answer them Debate Society is putting together its best minds to hash out who should’ve won (if we know), if the legal system is fair or if everyone should be interested in politics.

Debate Soc's US Election Special Debate is Thursday 5th at 6 pm.

If you want to join in their debate the membership is free. They always welcome anyone to get involved in a hearty discussion.

Details about Debate Soc here.



The Outcome

Whatever happens, it’s always important to oppose those you disagree with respect and passion, not anger. If you have any questions about anything with these events, please email us on


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