University of Plymouth Student Groups Raise Nearly 10k for the Movember Appeal

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During November, University of Plymouth student groups raised money for the Movember Foundation by organising sports activities, movie nights, bake sales and gigs. Together, they raised an incredible £9,924.67, which places the University of Plymouth in the Bronze award group!

We’re one of the top universities who raised over £5,000 in one single Movember campaign. The money raised will be going to fund research and projects in mental health, suicide prevention, prostate cancer and testicular cancer. --  Becky Thomas, Activities Co-ordinator


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University of Plymouth Conservative Society 


The University of Plymouth Conservative Society got involved with raising funds for Movember by organising two charity football matches at Goals, as well as arranging a bake sale and some members participating in growing moustaches. 


We care deeply about local causes and charities. -- University of Plymouth Conservative Society


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University of Plymouth Big Band


On Sunday, 27th November 2022, The University of Plymouth Big Band performed a fantastic gig to raise funds for the Movember Foundation and Anthony Nolan Foundation in the Students' Union Little Room. The gig was open to anyone to come and had a great turnout!


We have regular gigs within the University and in the wider Devon area having performed at local bars & pubs, The Students' Union, University and Society Balls. We also compete against other universities in the annual South West Battle of the Big Bands!

We enjoy fundraising for charity through gigs, collaborating with other societies as well as annual events such as Movember. -- University of Plymouth Big Band


Find out more about University of Plymouth Big Band here.

Learn more and follow Big Band on Instagram (@plymunibigband) and Facebook.

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If you or your student group also took part in raising funds for Movember, we would love to hear from you! Please concider sending us a sucess story and tell us all about your charity fundraising efforts! You can also include pictures and quotes in your submission which we can include in an article all about you and your achievements! Success Story submission


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