Update: SU Gym reopening Monday 19th April


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The SU Gym will be open again as of Monday 19th April at 7:30am.


It’s been a tough few months but we’d like to thank all of our SU Gym members for their ongoing patience during these difficult times, we can’t wait to see you back in the Gym next week.


Gym opening hours

  • Monday – Friday, 7:30am – 10pm

  • Saturday & Sunday, 9am – 6pm


Gym house rules


  • We have implemented a booking system for users of the Gym, you will be able to book your slot a day before or on the day but please only book one session a day

  • Please turn up at the time your booking is due to start, you will not be allowed in until your slot start time

  • Sanitisation stations are available throughout the building, please make sure to regularly sanitise your hands and to check in with the NHS app on arrival.

  • We’ve limited the capacity in the changing facilities and showers so please turn up ready for your activity and shower at home where possible

  • There is a one way system in operation inside the Gym (clockwise) please make sure you follow the signage

  • The machines are all situated 2 metres apart to enable social distancing, please make sure that there is only one user in each zone at a time

  • No bags are to be left in the gym – they need to be put in lockers

  • Please do not share equipment unless finished with and sanitised, no sweat towels are allowed but there is blue roll and sanitiser spray on hand to clean all equipment used

  • Water fountains are available inside the Gym but please remember to bring your own bottle.



Not in Plymouth, prefer to work out at home or looking to try something new?


We’ve got you covered. From Monday 19th April we’ll be restarting our live virtual Give it a Go sessions.

Our Give it a Go classes are a great way to try something new with zero commitment but maximum fun. Each led by one of our friendly instructors, there’s a class for everyone regardless of your current fitness level.

Current classes available:

  • Yoga

  • Abs Attack

  • Sweat and Sculpt

  • Afro-Caribbean Dance

  • Box Fit

  • Pilates

  • Kettlebells

  • Flexibility and Stretch

  • Meditation

  • Legs, Bums and Tums


Check out what's on offer and book your next session here.



A note for staff


If you’re a member of staff at the University of Plymouth or the University of Plymouth Students’ Union you are able to book on to Give it a Go sessions and use the SU Gym.

  • To register for any of our Give it a Go sessions, please head to upsu.com/login and create a Guest Account. Once you verify your email address you’ll be able to book tickets here.

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