Update: SU indoor spaces reopening Monday 17th May


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In line with the Governments' roadmap out of lockdown, we’ll be reopening the SU Indoor Space from Monday 17th May.


Whilst following all Government guidance we are able to welcome you back inside your Students' Union. For now, we will be focusing on giving you space to sit and socialise in groups up to 6 people 

All orders must be placed via our mobile ordering app, which you can access via upsu.com/order (or by scanning the QR code on your table when you arrive) and we’ll be operating table service so you won’t even need to leave your seat.

You don’t need to book in advance but please be aware that we have a limited capacity to ensure that we can all socially distance and keep each other safe.


Welcome back to your Students' Union!



Opening Hours


Inside Space: Monday-Sunday, 2pm - 11pm

Rooftop Bar: Monday-Sunday, 2pm - 8pm



House Rules


Our number one priority is to keep our community safe while having fun. Please check out our house rules before you join us at the Students' Union, when you arrive one of our host team will remind you of the rules.

  • Please keep at least 2 metres apart from other groups.

  • Maximum of 6 people per group, and remain with your group for the duration of your stay.

  • Do not approach the bar to order, please scan the QR code on your table and we’ll bring your drinks to you!

  • Please wear a face-covering until seated and if you need to get up from your table (to use the toilet for example), and please follow the one-way system in place.

  • In order to help us reduce wait times, wherever possible please order in rounds rather than one-at-a-time.

  • Any questions please ask a member of our host/bar team who will be happy to assist.


Read the House Rules for our Rooftop Bar here.



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