VP Activities Candidate Question Time: Watch now


Watch the session below

Read a transcript of the session here.




This evening your candidates for the role of VP Activities took part in the first of our series of Candidate Question Time sessions.

Your candidates for VP Activities are:

You submitted questions in advance for the candidates to answer. Due to time constraints, we could only pose the top questions submitted (based on those voted for by you, University of Plymouth students).

  1. Should you be elected, what would your first priority be? 
  2. Recognising that Sports Clubs, Societies and Volunteering are separate entities, how do you plan to promote the unique identities and communities of each? 
  3. How would you assist societies and clubs that have been badly hit by COVID and have been unable to gain members and grow their society? 
  4. There has been a lack of engagement with UPSU student activities within the student population for a number of reasons. How could this be improved? 
  5. Do you think clubs and societies need to provide more support for their members with regard to mental health and what might this look like? 
  6. Why should you be elected and what makes you stand out from the other candidates?


The following questions were submitted by attendees at the event:

  1. Do you think that any student should be able to run for any position on committee and are there ways in which students that have not had experience can be better supported to run for these positions?
  2. It has been said that sports clubs have been prioritised over societies. What would you do to make sure both are treated equally in the future?
  3. Follow up question: If first years shouldn't be on committees, should they be discouraged from starting their own student group?

You can view a full list of all questions submitted here.

Please contact the candidates directly with your questions you can find a list of their contact details on their candidate pages here.


Come along to our next sessions, every night this week until Thursday, to hear your candidates speak and pose your questions live:

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