Varsity CHAMPIONS 2024!

Written by: UPSU

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We are the VARSITY 2024 WINNERS!

We have retained our title for another year, making this our third win in a row!

A HUGE CONGRATULATIONS to every single person who played for #TeamPlymouth this year: YOU DID IT! 

Varsity is the biggest sporting event of the year in Plymouth, which takes place annually in March between the University of Plymouth and Marjon. This year we had a total of 21 fixtures from 12 different disciplines involving more than 500 students!

We had some incredible wins, as well as some unfortunate losses with Marjon giving us fierce competition throughout, but no matter what the score, every single team put on an amazing performance and gave it their all; we are so proud of every team! 

A big thank you to everyone who bought tickets to help raise money for this year's chosen charity (Devon & Cornwall Food Action) and came along to any of the fixtures to cheer on Team Plymouth: Varsity wouldn’t be the same without you!

The final overall score for Varsity 2024 is… 

Team Plymouth 24 | Marjon 18 




A statement from your VP Activities, Isla Symons: 


The Varsity 2024 experience was one to be remembered. 

The hard work and planning from the UPSU and Marjon staff teams, and the players themselves, truly created a monumental showcase of our sporting talent across the University.

It was apparent that a safe and supportive environment was fostered this year at Varsity from all sides, resulting in a greater celebration of the event and everyone involved. 

It was great to see more sports being involved this year and we only hope to grow that in future years. 

Thank you to everyone who came along and supported our players, I know personally that the support received makes a huge difference. 

I am especially proud of every single team and player who put themselves out onto a large stage and performed for their institution. That resilience throughout the past couple of weeks has resulted in another University of Plymouth Varsity win, which wouldn’t have happened without everyone’s participation. 

Congratulations to everyone within Team Plymouth: Varsity Champions, 2024! - Isla Symons



Varsity was a fantastic experience despite the poor result from us on the course and the atrocious weather on the day. Hopefully next year we can get our own back and win our match! – Tom, University of Plymouth Golf Club. 



I’m so proud of this team, it was a fantastic performance from everyone resulting in a 8-0 win for Team Plymouth. A very fitting end to our season this year and I hope the club continues on this year’s trajectory. We’ve had so much talent coming from our Fresher’s it can only go up from here and hopefully another Varsity win next year! - Matt Scaife, University of Plymouth Badminton Club, Men’s Captain.



This Varsity, we had the most fun being able to show off our skills and improvement with ladies winning 4-0, And men winning 7-0. We are incredibly grateful for the amazing support we receive from our whole club and other societies. It really makes the event exciting to play with an amazing atmosphere. With such a big society we always feel the pressure to perform, and both teams did amazing in keeping the nerves down and showing the amazing team dynamics. Varsity is something we always looks forward to and the future of our club is looking stronger than ever! - Jessica Dwane Ladies 1XI Captain and Soren Golding Men’s 1XI Captain



Fixtures & Results
Sport Date Location Result
Swimming Sat March 9th Plymouth Life Centre Plymouth Win (112 - 97)
Men’s Football 2 Wed March 13th Marjon (3G Pitch) Marjon Win (8-0)
Women’s Futsal Wed March 13th Marjon (Sports Hall 1) Marjon Win (8-3)
Women’s Volleyball Wed March 13th Marjon (Sports Hall 3) Plymouth Win (3-0)
Women’s Lacrosse Wed March 13th Marjon (3G Pitch) Plymouth Win (13-4)
Men’s Futsal Wed March 13th Marjon (Sports Hall 1) Plymouth Win (9-7)
Women’s Hockey Wed March 13th Marjon (Ansley Hockey Pitch) Plymouth Win (4-0)
Men’s Volleyball Wed March 13th Marjon (Sports Hall 3) Plymouth Win (3-0)
Men’s Lacrosse Wed March 13th Marjon (3G Pitch) Marjon Win (6-2)
Netball Wed March 13th Marjon (Sports Hall 1) Plymouth Win (47-32)
Table Tennis Wed March 13th Marjon (Gymnasium) Plymouth Win (21-2)
Men’s Hockey Wed March 13th Marjon (Ansley Hockey Pitch) Plymouth Win (7-0)
Women’s Football Wed March 13th Marjon (3G Pitch) Marjon Win (2-0)
Badminton Wed March 13th Marjon (Sports Hall 3) Plymouth Win (8-0)
Men’s Football 1 Wed March 13th Marjon (3G Pitch) Marjon Win (2-0)
Golf Thu March 14th Boringdon Park Golf Club Marjon Win (4-2)
Women’s Waterpolo Thu March 14th Plymouth Life Centre Plymouth Win (29-2)
Women’s Rugby Mon March 18th Plymouth Albion RFC Marjon Win (22-14)
Men’s Rugby Mon March 18th Plymouth Albion RFC Plymouth Win (48-5)
Women’s Basketball Sun March 24th Plymouth Pavilions Marjon Win (58-26)
Men’s Basketball Sun March 24th Plymouth Pavilions Marjon Win (89-70)



Plymouth Night Patrol

We were lucky enough to have the support of our fantastic Plymouth Night Patrol team at all of our Varsity 2024 fixtures! We want to give a big shout out to everyone who volunteered their time to ensure to safety and welfare of all our students who were participating in sporting fixtures. THANK YOU!


Quotes from Plymouth Night Patrol: 


It was really great for us to help out at varsity this year. Being there to support our varsity teams and the spectators was really enjoyable. Considering we work mainly at night, it was super fun to get to work during the day and also get to work with the SU staff, varsity teams, physio students and sport therapists. - Nicholas T


My personal experience with varsity working as a member of Plymouth Night Patrol was that it was an incredibly rewarding experience. To be able to provide medical and welfare support in an environment out of our usual routine, the ability to be able to engage with the student community directly and gain their insight into our work was incredibly valuable and not an opportunity we are usually able to attain. The facilities provided to us and the support felt from not only the students but the staff at all events was overwhelming supportive and I feel honoured to be part of such an incredible system for the students and members of Plymouth. - Jack B


Working alongside Marjon at Varisty was a great opportunity to develop our skills and make new connections in a completely new environment. I have no doubt Plymouth Night Patrol will continue to do more work like this, giving our volunteers more chances to hone their skils outside of the usual Evening and Night Time Economy. - Wilf W


It was a great experience representing Plymouth Night Patrol at the varsity event watching and supporting the sports, as well as meeting students and staff from both universities. - Curtis F


Whilst at varsity, I found it very immersive, the fan culture for both teams was like no other, and to be able to be present on the sidelines in case of an emergency made it even more worth while. All in all helping out was an amazing opportunity. - Jack P


Personally I really loved being able to help out with the varsity matches, it was amazing connecting with students in a new way and cheering on our university. - Kadie K




That's a wrap for Varsity 2024, and until we battle it out with Marjon again next year, WE ARE THE CHAMPIONS!

Stay connected with #TeamPlymouth and keep up to date with the latest news, including upcoming events and results by following us on Instagram: @team.plymouth


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