Virtual Pride on Campus 2020


This year the University of Plymouth LGBT+ Society are hosting the fifth annual Pride on Campus and for the first time ever, due to the coronavirus, will be hosting the celebration with a series of events virtually from Monday 27th – Friday 1st May.

This year the society members voted to support MindOut, a charity that aims to remove stigma and put support in place for mental health within the LGBTQ+ Community.

“MindOut is a mental health service run by and for lesbians, gay, bisexual, trans, and queer people. We work to improve the mental health and wellbeing of LGBTQ communities and to make mental health a community concern.” 

Find out more about MindOut here.

Check out the University of Plymouth LGBT+ Society Facebook page throughout the week for updates, performances, signposting to crucial services and information on how to donate to MindOut.


Find out more about the University of Plymouth LGBT+ Society:


You can donate to MindOut via Facebook here or through the society's page by purchasing the donation as a product here* (*this will be available from 12pm Saturday 25th April until 12pm on Saturday 9th May)


Monday 27th April

  • What does Pride mean to you?
    Share your thoughts and views of the importance of celebrating Pride, the society will be sharing responses via social media.

Tuesday 28th April

  • Find out more about MindOut
    The society will be sharing more information about the charity they’ve chosen to support this year including how to make a donation and highlighting key resources

Wednesday 29th April

  • Thanking Keyworkers and NHS Staff
    Share how you’ve shown support e.g. putting a rainbow up in your window, making ear protectors for key workers wearing masks. They’ll also be using the day to acknowledge points of support, helplines and websites that are relevant to the current climate and points of interest within the LGBTQ+ community.

Thursday 30th April

  • The future for Plymouth’s LGBT+ community
    The society have organised a conference call that they’ll be sharing via Facebook at 6pm on Thursday 30th April featuring panellists from different groups around the city, such as University staff, UPSU representatives, university and society alumni, and prominent figures from the local LGBT+ scene. The panel will discuss what the University of Plymouth, UPSU and local authorities are doing for LGBT+ rights and to support the LGBT+ community.

    A note from the University of Plymouth LGBT+ Society:
    This discussion will not be possible without input from you, the LGBT+ community of Plymouth, and so we would like to ask you to send your questions, ideas and general suggestions regarding this panel discussion event to our society email address: with the subject line 'PRIDE PANELS: QUESTION/COMMENT' (delete as appropriate)

    The deadline for sending in your questions is midday on Monday 27th April. Questions will then be collated and given to the panellists so that they can prepare their answers.

Friday 1st May

  • Virtual Pride on Campus 2020: Main Event
    The society have worked with Eddystone, St Mark and St John’s University LGBT+ Society, the EDI team, Intercom, Plymouth University Pole Dancing Society, Plymouth University Ukulele Society and Virina Flower; to create a series of posts, video messages and performances

  • Kickstart the March 
    Although, due to the current climate, a physical march won’t be possible – the society have planned a challenge which will be shared on their Facebook page and announced on Friday 1st May to bring together members of the LGBT+ community wherever they currently are.

Last year we were privileged to receive quotes from past and current members of the LGBT+ Society, past Sabbatical Officers and members of UPSU staff on what this event, Pride on Campus, means to them:

"Having been involved with Pride on Campus every single year since it began, I understand it's importance and its necessity within our student community now, more than ever. It is a chance to remember the reasons that Pride events exist, as a protest, but also a chance to celebrate the progress we have made and are still making day by day together, as a community. Pride on Campus has been an event that I look forward to every year, where I feel welcome and a part of something bigger than myself; an event where a difference is made. I am proud to be a part of this society, helping to create a safe and inclusive space for the students and staff and proud to be a part of Pride on Campus"

Catherine Jones, University of Plymouth LGBTQ+ Society Secretary 2018/19, President 2019/20

"Pride on Campus is a chance to showcase what makes us stronger as a Students' Union - equality, diversity, and community. This student-led event demonstrates how resourceful and passionate our student body can be. Ultimately, pride on campus is the fuel that fires our fight for rights and respect across campus. And obviously, congrats to the LGBT+ Society for pulling this event together!"

Tilda Fraser, VP Diversity and Wellbeing 2018/19, UPSU President 2019/20

"Pride on campus is important to me because I come from a small city where there was no pride or any LGBT events. As a result, I never really felt a part of the community. Now being a part of pride on campus makes me feel as if I'm a part of the LGBT+ community. Having pride on campus allows people who, like me, have never experienced pride to come to a safe space and enjoy themselves and feel a part of the community" 

Molly Austin-Knight, Part-Time LGBT+ Officer

Find out more about last years event Pride on Campus 2019
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