Voting now open! Who do you want to represent you?

Written by: UPSU

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VOTING NOW OPEN for the Student Elections!


You can now place your vote for who you most want to become your SU President, VP Education, VP Activities, and VP Wellbeing and Diversity by visiting the Student Elections webpage. Voting closes 8th of March at midday.

Over the course of this next week, candidates will speak to students, share their campaign, and set out why students should vote for them to represent their voice. 

You can hear from your candidates tonight (Monday 4th March) at the Open Meeting in the SU from 18:00 - 20:00. All students are welcome to attend. There will even be FREE PIZZA to those who come!


   Find out more about the Open Meeting here.



Why should you vote?


There are many reasons why you should take part in the Student Election and place your vote, even if you don’t know someone who is running as a candidate. 

The four students who are elected will have a direct say in how the Students’ Union is run and the strategic direction of the SU by speaking on your behalf at high-level meetings and working alongside SU staff, the University of Plymouth, and external organisations. Essentially, those who are elected represent the voices of the entire student community and will work to improve the student experience. This is why it is so important you have your say on who you want this to be and you cast your vote carefully. 


There is also GIVEAWAYS, FREEBIES and PRIZES to be won during voting week!

Don’t miss out! Come along to our Student Elections Roadshow on Tuesday 5th March on the SU roof and our Campus Market SU stall on Thursday 7th March to get involved! Please note, if you vote before coming along to our prize stalls on Tuesday and Thursday, you can still win prizes and pick up some freebies! 

Keep an eye on our social media to see our daily prizes! Prizes include Summer Ball tickets, multiple £100 and £50 gift vouchers, a 12 month gym membership, and more!



How does voting work? 


From the 4th of March at midday, you will be able to go to the Student Elections webpage and cast your vote. 

You will be able to vote in your order of preference. For example, if there are five candidates for the role of President, you will be able to put them in running order of preference from 1-5. You do not, however, have to place all the candidates in an order; if there is only one candidate you want to vote for, you can just cast a vote for that individual only and not rank the other candidates. 

You are able to cast your vote in each of the four roles or you can just vote in one role. We do, however, highly encourage all students to cast their vote within each of the four Sabbatical Officer roles to ensure you have a say on the entire newly elected Sabbatical Officer team.

If you do not want to vote for any candidate in a particular category, you can vote for R.O.N which is a vote to re-open nominations. 

Once you place your vote, you cannot change your mind. 

Voting in anonymous: no one can see who you have voted for, and this information will never be released. 



When are the new Sabbatical Officers announced? 


Our new Sabbatical Officer team will be announced during the Results Night on the 8th of March in the SU. All students are welcome to come to the results night and see who you have elected to be the four Sabbatical Officers of 2024/25. 

Find out more about Results Night here.



Not sure who is running in the Student Elections? View all 2024 candidates here.




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